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SSE is proud to announce that it is the only Tuscany SME involved in 5G pilot in Prato!

Newsletter SSE @ SPIFG 2017

St. Pietersburg International Gas Forum


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Three projects won the first edition of the SSE – Sirio Sistemi Elettronici Spa Challenge during the final phase that took place in the past days in Engineering School’s Caminetto Room, located in Via Santa Marta, Florence. The Challenge consists of a preliminar selection phase followed by the final stage where the top three ranking projects are presented to the public and the panel.

The Challenge is financed by SSE – Sirio Sistemi Elettronici S.p.A. and is coordinated by PIN S.c.r.l. didactic and scientific services for Florence University, also in collaboration with Florence University Engineering School and Career Centre.

The winning projects are Ball and Plate, DollyDroid and Lego Bike Project.
The first one, created by Simone Baratella, Cosimo Nocentini, Giacomo Rossi and Manuel Zeloni, is a model of rapid prototype on Arduino control system for a Ball & Plate process applied to educational robotics; Andrea Aglietti’s and Gabriele Posca’s DollyDroid was created as a functioning prototype and is a camera-mounted motorized handling system for Time-Lapse video acquisition; whereas the Lego Bike Project – by Nicolò D’amico, Alessandra Lombardi and Daniela Straziati – is a control system for a self-stabilizing Lego bike maintaing a straight line.
SSE’s engineer Michelangelo Guarducci stated that «all three projects turned out being equally deserving so we decided to award them all».

In the words of SSE’s engineer Jacopo Pazzi, who explained the reasons of this choice,  «the DollyDroid project shows a product-oriented business approach, developed by a multidisciplinary team; Ball and Plate is a customer-oriented, almost finished product already usable; Lego Bike Project’s features are the strong methodologic bases and the validation of very advanced theories, besides the quality of the communication».
This is the first edition of SSE Challenge – Engineering for industry 4.0 which represents a remodeling of the old Sirio SPA award, officially terminated in 2015 after 10 editions.

The Challenge is open to Florence University Engineering master classes and is meant to value the commitment of those who, either individually or in a team, designed and presented during their classes a project falling into the “Industry 4.0” sector in terms of technologic transformation, innovation and industrial development potential.
The Challenge puts up for grabs a prize cash of 1.500 Euros.

The final event was attended by SSE’s Michelangelo Guarducci, Jacopo Pazzi and Nicoletta Trombi; Florence University Engineering School’s Fabrizio Argenti, Michele Basso and Lorenzo Capineri,; and Enrico Banchelli for PIN Scrl.





We are proud to communicate that SSE is involved in the impressive and innovative complex of Delta 3, in Maranhao (Brazil). As per our vision and mission we believe in the Clean & Renewable Energy and we appreciate that our team is happy to share with all of us this important achievement in wind turbines industry.


The eighth edition of the Sirio Spa degree award

The eighth edition of the Sirio Spa degree award

Source: Pin – Polo Universitario Città di Prato


Matteo Galanti is the winner of eighth edition of the Sirio Spa degree award. Matteo Galanti holds a Florence University Electronic Engineering degree, obtained cum laude with a paper named “modelization and stabilization of a two-wheel monoaxial vehicle” under the guide of Prof. Michele Basso. This year’s edition witnessed 13 high profile participants presenting excellent papers from various sectors of the electronic and telecommunications engineering. The freshly graduated Galanti was awarded the title of best 2013 engineering student by Florence University’s dean and submitted a high quality project that allowed the panel to declare him the winner of the edition of 2013. The prize was delivered today by Maurizio Fioravanti, President of PIN, SSE’s Eng. Michelangelo Guarducci and professors Fabrizio Argenti and Lorenzo Capineri from Florence University Information Engineering and Electronic and Telecommunications Engineering courses. The prize made its debut in 2006 thanks to a collaboration between SSE and PIN (Prato University Campus) and consists of a 1.500 Euro scholarship financed by SSE and a possible one year work contract for the same company. The purpose is to give value to promising, fresh engineering graduates carrying out researches in sectors of interest for the company.

Ottava edizione Premio di laurea Sirio

Ottava edizione ‘Premio di laurea Sirio’

Da: Comune di Prato


La Sirio Sistemi Elettronici Spa, dal 2005 costituisce annualmente un fondo per il conferimento di un premio di laurea, dell’importo di 1.500 Euro, al lordo delle ritenute fiscali previste dalla legge, in favore di studenti laureati in Ingegneria dell’Informazione ed Ingegneria Elettronica presso l’Università degli Studi di Firenze. L’impresa, dopo la premiazione, valuterà l’eventualità di offrire al vincitore, ove il candidato fosse interessato, un contratto a tempo determinato della durata di dodici mesi con l’inquadramento di impiegato tecnico di IV livello.

Requisiti di ammissione
Possono accedere al concorso i candidati in possesso dei seguenti requisiti:

  • Diploma di laurea conseguito presso l’Università degli Studi di Firenze: (Lauree di Primo Livello in Ingegneria dell’Informazione, Ingegneria Elettronica, Ingegneria Elettronica e delle Telecomunicazioni);
  • Laurea conseguita nel periodo che va dal 1 settembre 2012 al 31 luglio 2013;
  • Tesi di laurea su tematiche inerenti a sistemi elettronici per l’automazione industriale per la supervisione, la misura di parametri fisici mediante sensori, al controllo e telecontrollo dei processi industriali.

Domanda di partecipazione
La domanda, redatta in carta libera (oltre che su supporto elettronico), indirizzata al Presidente del PIN S.c.r.l., Piazza Ciardi 25, 59100 Prato, dovrà pervenire presso la Segreteria Didattica del Polo Universitario “Città di Prato” entro e non oltre le ore 13.00 di giovedì 31 ottobre 2013. La domanda può essere consegnata a mano presso la Segreteria Didattica.