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Thanks again to UNIDO ITPO Italy Promos Italia NATIONAL INVESTMENT COMMISSION #federationofchambersofcommerce

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We announce that this October SSE will participate for the first time in the upcoming edition of the ECOMONDO the green technologies expo which is actually the Reference Event in Europe for the Ecological Transition and the New Models of Circular and Regenerative Economy (

In our booth, we will exhibit a wide variety of services and solutions offered by SSE to its Customers.

This international show with an innovative format brings together in a single platform all the sectors supporting energy transition: waste, water, reclamation, integrated services, energy, energy e­fficiency, sustainable cities, mobility and green infrastructure, models for the circular economy and the safeguarding of natural resources for sustainable development.


FPSO Congress 2022

FPSO Congress 2022


FPSO World Congress 2022 remains the focal point for industry players to gather and explore best practices in strengthening the future of FPSOs along the industry’s transformative roadmap to sustainability and renewable energy. According to industry reports, FPSO investments are projected to reach $67-billion by 2025, with 20 projects expected to be awarded by the end of 2022. This comes alongside a shift in focus on renewable energy, the energy transition and achieving sustainability in projects.





The exhibition provides opportunities for buyers and sellers to meet, learn, network, do business and discover new products, solutions and technologies from over 2,000 exhibiting companies, which includes over 51 NOCs, IOCs and IECs as well as 26 international country pavilions, providing a world-class environment for trade across the Energy Industry’s full value chain.

Consegna ufficiale dei diplomi ai partecipanti della prima edizione di BIG Academy

Consegna dei diplomi ai partecipanti della prima edizione di BIG Academy

AGIPRESS – FIRENZE – Da oggi in Toscana ci sono 22 “BiG manager” in più. Sono stati infatti consegnati questo pomeriggio, nel corso di una cerimonia organizzata nell’Aula Magna del Rettorato dell’Università di Firenze, i diplomi ai partecipanti della prima edizione di BIG Academy, il progetto di alta formazione promosso da ACSI – Associazione per la Cultura e lo Sviluppo Industriale con il sostegno della Fondazione CR Firenze. Il progetto formativo, lanciato nel 2020, è rivolto a manager ed aspiranti tali che vogliono ampliare o perfezionare le proprie competenze professionali. A consegnare i riconoscimenti sono stati i rappresentanti delle nove realtà che compongono l’Associazione: Baker Hughes, El.En Group, KME, Leonardo, Thales, Enegan, Sime, Sirio Solutions Engineering, e l’Università degli Studi di Firenze……